Frankfurt is one of the most international cities in Germany, that's why we have always aimed at sharing this special open-air-experience with internationals by showing all films in their original version with German or English subtitles. Take a look at our programme to see which films are shown and where they are from.


Doors open at 19:30

Films begin when it's sufficiently dark outside.


Food & Drinks can be purchased on location, which is why we would kindly ask you not to bring your own food and drinks.


We also recommend bringing your own pillow and/or blanket. Just in case it gets a little chilly at night and you want to stay cozy.


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We are offering pre-sale tickets. All booking links can be found on the FILME page next to the respective film.


However, there's always a share of tickets left at the door each night.


If you have any questions about ticketing or the films, feel free to contact us by sending an email to:



Eintritt: 12,00 €. / Erm. 10,00€

Einlass und Kassenöffnung ab 19:30 Uhr, Filmbeginn bei ausreichender Dunkelheit.


Sollte das Wetter einmal nicht mitspielen, werden die Vorstellungen nach Möglichkeit auf ein anderes Datum verlegt.

Informationen hierzu werden tagesaktuell sowohl auf dieser Seite als auch auf Facebook und Instagram bekanntgegeben.